Purchase 2023
Build Year 1912
Buildings 1
Levels 7
Floor Area 44,535 ft2
Neighbourhood The Quarters
Address 9666-70 Jasper Ave

The Brighton Block is a magnificent Edwardian-era building located on Jasper avenue, poised above the banks of the river valley. The property was built in 1912 and is one of Edmonton’s most iconic heritage buildings.

The interior of the building has been rebuilt from the foundations up with a massive concrete column structure and new concrete floors. Three new levels of modern office space with floor to ceiling curtain wall have been added on top of the new structure with a magnificent 4th-floor patio that offers sweeping views of Edmonton’s North Saskatchewan River Valley.

The property was commercially listed for lease in August 2023. Discussions are underway with approximately a dozen prospective tenants. Sparrow Cowork intends to deploy at least one floor of cowork space and is currently designing phase 1 with an initial cohort of entrepreneurs, artists, and producers.

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