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Why don’t we have an everyday system that works on giving people the tools they need to become leaders?
– Jack Stack, The Great Game of Business
Top content? Ad adipisicing ad occaecat nisi dolore. Sit amet incididunt ex amet. Qui tempor qui voluptate eiusmod culpa veniam occaecat. Ex ex excepteur occaecat minim nostrud laboris eiusmod mollit et irure. Commodo magna id minim est amet qui magna occaecat proident. Ut est magna qui elit nostrud et sint occaecat ex magna labore voluptate.
We’re always happy to connect with entrepreneurial leaders and allies in community development. If you’re new to the Sparrow community, you’re welcome to reach out and let us know what you’re up to.
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Gibbard Block Office 6425 112 Ave NW, Suite 200 Edmonton AB, T5W 0N9 hello@sparrow.capital